Saw 1
The props are the bonesaw, the piping, the chain, and the dirt spread around. All of the props, combined together help to create the atmosphere of rust, and dirtiness. The scene is meant to feel gross, and scary at the same time. Using a constant blue lighting when showing the bathroom, is meant to make the viewer feel like they are there. Making the bathroom feel more bright, and more abandoned, shows that the setting is not pleasent at all. As well as the extremely bright lights, the soft focus shows that it was filmed on a janky camera, most likely on purpose. This movie was filmed on a low budget, so that makes the setting feel even more real. As if the jigsaw killer was really real, and this was all made by him. Because, if this was filmed on a high quality camera, it would feel too much like a studio, and staged. The broken floor, and extremely rusty piping also make the setting feel like a real abandoned bathroom. The fact that the character is sitting on the floor shows that, he is unable to stand for long, by being chained up. He is shown feeling weak, and helpless. The directors put him on the floor, off to the side almost, to show the plumbing on the side, and show this was once a bathroom, but now used for the games. This all adds up to show the intentional blocking. His expression looking at the bonesaw shows a feeling of helplesnnes, and he has to make a very tough choice if he wants to get out.
Jurassic World
The props are the 3 dinosaurs, they are robots with a green-screen, and SFX. All 3 of them are in the frame to show that he is the weak one in the situation. The set is a pen, and lots of greenery to show that this is where they are contained. This choice to shoot him trying to contain them in their enclosure, also shows that they have the power. The costume is almost like an explorer outfit, showing the main character is well experienced in training dinosaurs. This gives a good understanding that even though he is overpowered, he is the one with the real power. Because he is shown later in the movie to contain them. Even in this scene they aren’t attacking him so it shows he has some sort of control over them. The color hue is green, and blue showing that it matches the dinosaurs. These chosen color pallets show an adventure, or almost nature setting. The blocking shows that he is in the middle, leading them and they are very interested in what he is doing. They are agitated, and moving a lot, showing he is trying to tame them. The reason he is in the middle is to show that he is the leader of all of them. Regardless of their attitudes towards him.
Get Out
First off, the first thing your eyes are drawn to is the facial expression. The actor does a great job of showing the frightening, and parlyzed state he is in. Some background on the scene is that he is being hypnotized by the mom of his girlfriend. At this moment, he is stuck in place and can’t move. So the only thing he can do is cry. Not only that, but the other most prominent thing about this mise en scene is the deep focus of the camera. The entirety of the background is blurred, making you drawn to the character's face. The use of his only gray clothes symbolize that he is just like the rest of the people stuck in the sunken place. He is stuck in this “sunken place” for the moment as well. Also, the background shows that he is in a house, his girlfriend's parents house. Other than the background, he is in a sitting, vertical position, also going back to him being stuck. In this sitting, vertical position. Overall, the use of the zoom, and deep focus all contribute to the intensity of the scene.